Friday, November 10, 2006

In the soup!

Well, here I am in a classic mess, with only myself to blame. Some things never change!

I'm writing this in the middle of a night-out (hopefully I'll last at least till 3am) to meet 2 course deadlines in the next few days. These are majorly important deadlines, so everyone pray for me!

I know I've not been in contact with most of the people I've known, and it might seem like I've forgotten a lot of your birthdays. Don't worry, I haven't. It's just that procrastination has become a necessary evil. Seriously, for the last 2-3 weeks, I've just been living from deadline to deadline. Plus, my end-sem exams begin a week from now.

So, the soup has just begun to boil!


Anonymous said...

so finally you started worrying about deadlines :):)

janak chandarana said...

punchline from MURDA suits here:
"Bear with us for better future"
Happy days will be coming really soon.

ksp said...

Hang on in there dude!

Only one month to go!

And then there's MoodI! I may be in town for that.