Saturday, September 08, 2007

Finally, a quizzing victory!

I had my first outright victory in a quiz in over a year last week. It was an intra-IITB quiz. Fortunately for me, it was a general quiz. Teams were formed randomly, and I was paired with a freshie. Did incredibly well in the elims, thanks to some really "intelligent" guesses.

The points from the elims carried over to the finals, and we were able to maintain the big lead till the end. Rather satisfying to finally win! Though there have been quite a few second places over the past year.


ksp said...

Congrats! You seem to be lucky with freshers all the time :D

And of course, who can forget that other quiz where points from the elims where carried over to the finals :D?

janak chandarana said...

heard from ajay about random pairing :)

Akshay Surve said...


(I am sure you must be missing your quizzing partner. :p, Guess who?)


rohan_nog said...

Thanks for the good wishes, guys!

rohan_nog said...

Yes, the old firm of Sree & Nog isn't seen much these days. And Sree, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you're referring to our appearance at the MoodI 2006 General Quiz.