Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy Birthday, Tintin!

Tintin turns 80 today! On this day in 1929, the first part of Tintin in the Land of the Soviets was published in the Belgian children's newsletter Le Petit Vingtième.

Tintin has always been one of my favourite comic books. I've thoroughly enjoyed reading about the adventures of the intrepid reporter, Tintin, and his faithful and very sensible dog, Snowy. Plus, there's also the antics of the bumbling detectives, Thomson and Thompson, to look forward to, along with the dry humour and "foul-mouthed" tirades of Captain Haddock. This alongwith a healthy dose of social commentary that touches upon various aspects of 20th century politics.

The TV series from the early 90s was also good fun to watch. Plus, there's a movie due in 2010, after some delays, to be directed by Steven Spielberg, with Peter Jackson as the producer. It seems it'll be a motion capture 3-D film, though Tintin's role hasn't been cast yet. It should be interesting to see how the movie turns out. Till then, you can always enjoy the books themselves!

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